I have a lactating doe that birthed around two months ago. About a month ago, we dosed her with penicillin for extraneous lumps on the udder. Now I've noticed that she has some lumps in her udder, near the base of the teat. They became more noticeable in the last week or so. These nodules feel like small, firm marbles. They are beneath the subcutaneous layer, so it's not an external issue. Can anyone tell me if this is mastitis? We haven't given her a CMT so would this be a good idea? Her udder is also drier than the other lactating doe, and she is "shedding" some of her gray udder skin near the teat- the skin is pink underneath but doesn't really look raw. ( I hope this isn't "sloughing" as described by Fias Co's note on Staphylococcus aureus?) As far as milk production goes, she's producing only about a pint while her counterpart is making upwards of a quart.
But the milk has no quirks that I can tell and it tastes completely normal.
We just gave her penicillin sub-Q though, so no more milk from her for awhile. Any thoughts or similar experiences that y'all have had? If so, please let me no! I really hope that it's curable, whatever this poor doe has! Thanks!