Lutalyse for goats


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
First, lutelyse will cause a bred doe to slip her kids if she is bred, and come into season again. Used to be used n animals for unwanted or accidental breedings that were not wanted. It is a prescription drug so you will have to get it from a vet.

Second, if you are trying to breed now, you will probably not be successful whether using lutelyse or not. What breeds of dairy and meat goats are you trying to breed? Dairy goats (standard breeds) breed when the bucks come into rut. Dairy breeds do not breed all year round. The bucks come into rut between August and December. By January they have pretty much stopped rut. Nubian dairy goats have the longest rut of the dairy breeds. Swiss breeds have a slightly shorter breeding period. They normally will not breed between January and the first of August because the bucks are not in rut (fertile) and the does are not cycling.

Third, you might have more luck with the meat goats. Boers are supposed to breed all year round although I did not have a lot of luck in that regard. On the other hand, we bred to produce meat kids in January for the Fair. Even goats that are reputed to breed year-round will be influenced by daylight hours. Shortening of daylight hours is what brings the bucks into rut. Exceptionally hot weather can cause sheep and goats to become temporarily sterile.

Fourth, some sheep breeders used to use hormonal drugs to induce estrus out of season. Back in the day (20-30 years ago, these used to be over the counter drugs. There were no sheep drugs available, so breeders needing early lambs for early Fairs used a cattle drug followed by a hog drug. These days there is a drug for cattle and also for sheep. These drugs are now all prescription only.
Per Valley Vet catalog: "Eazi-Breed CIDR Sheep Inserts contain the natural hormone progesterone and used to induce estrus in ewes. Allows you to induce fertile estrus and breed ewes outside the natural breeding season, when ewes do not normally have an estrous cycle.
Eazi-Breed CIDR Sheep Inserts can be used to improve the timing and efficiency of breeding and to manage lamb production in order to take advantage of peak market prices. Inserts are administered intravaginally, one per animal, and left in place for 5 days. After removing insert, estrus generally occurs within 1 to 3 days. Use standard breeding procedures to breed ewes at induced estrus."

Fifth, depending on when you want your goats to kid, you should be able to breed during the 4-5 months of normal rutting season. By placing the does in an east facing pasture, you can get them to cycle earlier than if they are in west facing pasture. By breeding in August you can produce kids as early as December. Be careful though if you are producing registered kids because ADGA registration and show ages will make any kid born on December 31 or sooner ineligible to be shown as a kid the following year.

Sixth, if you need to breed your goats outside of the normal rutting/estrus season, then you must consult a vet that has experience in this sort of drug induced breeding. Most vets will not see the reason for this, so be sure to have a reasonable explanation. And make sure you can afford it since these drugs are not cheap particularly when they need to be prescribed and administered by a vet.


True BYH Addict
Nov 22, 2022
Reaction score
Northwestern NC
First, lutelyse will cause a bred doe to slip her kids if she is bred, and come into season again. Used to be used n animals for unwanted or accidental breedings that were not wanted. It is a prescription drug so you will have to get it from a vet.

Second, if you are trying to breed now, you will probably not be successful whether using lutelyse or not. What breeds of dairy and meat goats are you trying to breed? Dairy goats (standard breeds) breed when the bucks come into rut. Dairy breeds do not breed all year round. The bucks come into rut between August and December. By January they have pretty much stopped rut. Nubian dairy goats have the longest rut of the dairy breeds. Swiss breeds have a slightly shorter breeding period. They normally will not breed between January and the first of August because the bucks are not in rut (fertile) and the does are not cycling.

Third, you might have more luck with the meat goats. Boers are supposed to breed all year round although I did not have a lot of luck in that regard. On the other hand, we bred to produce meat kids in January for the Fair. Even goats that are reputed to breed year-round will be influenced by daylight hours. Shortening of daylight hours is what brings the bucks into rut. Exceptionally hot weather can cause sheep and goats to become temporarily sterile.

Fourth, some sheep breeders used to use hormonal drugs to induce estrus out of season. Back in the day (20-30 years ago, these used to be over the counter drugs. There were no sheep drugs available, so breeders needing early lambs for early Fairs used a cattle drug followed by a hog drug. These days there is a drug for cattle and also for sheep. These drugs are now all prescription only.
Per Valley Vet catalog: "Eazi-Breed CIDR Sheep Inserts contain the natural hormone progesterone and used to induce estrus in ewes. Allows you to induce fertile estrus and breed ewes outside the natural breeding season, when ewes do not normally have an estrous cycle.
Eazi-Breed CIDR Sheep Inserts can be used to improve the timing and efficiency of breeding and to manage lamb production in order to take advantage of peak market prices. Inserts are administered intravaginally, one per animal, and left in place for 5 days. After removing insert, estrus generally occurs within 1 to 3 days. Use standard breeding procedures to breed ewes at induced estrus."

Fifth, depending on when you want your goats to kid, you should be able to breed during the 4-5 months of normal rutting season. By placing the does in an east facing pasture, you can get them to cycle earlier than if they are in west facing pasture. By breeding in August you can produce kids as early as December. Be careful though if you are producing registered kids because ADGA registration and show ages will make any kid born on December 31 or sooner ineligible to be shown as a kid the following year.

Sixth, if you need to breed your goats outside of the normal rutting/estrus season, then you must consult a vet that has experience in this sort of drug induced breeding. Most vets will not see the reason for this, so be sure to have a reasonable explanation. And make sure you can afford it since these drugs are not cheap particularly when they need to be prescribed and administered by a vet.
I raise mostly Nigerian dwarfs which cycle year round (I have one Lamancha which is a seasonal breeder) I have them for milk, but full kids will be for meat. Thank you for the info, most likely I won’t be using lute, just wondering what others experience has been with it and goats.