I have 2 mares that I moved from southern Arizona to the central valley in California last April. In Az I had stalls and paddocks with a (dirt) pasture. One of the mares hardly ever went into her stall. Even the few times it snowed she was out in it. I boarded them for the first four months here. They had a pasture and a rain shelter. Patty was never seen in the shelter. Here on my own property they are in a three acre pasture. No shelter except for several trees. It has been so foggy the last two nights that Patty is completely wet in the morning. I have a 12x12 stall for her but it is not connected to any paddock or pasture. Should I put Patty in the stall at night to keep her out of the weather? She has arthritis so I was advised to keep her in the pasture so she can walk around and keep her knee loose. Thank you for your advice.