Exploring the pasture
I have a 9 yr old Spotted Saddle Horse mare that I got from a rescue in May. She didn't show any signs of heaves until the heat really started mid-June (we're in NY). We're trying everything as natural as possible before we go the steroid route. Cough Free did nothing for her so I put her on Hilton Herbs Freeway Gold which got her to about 90% normal. After a few weeks, I also added MSM & she was pretty much 100%. Then after about 2 weeks of that, she started again. She's now on just SmartPak Smart Breathe (has MSM in it) & doing a little better (about 85%) but I can't figure out what triggered it again. She hates her hay soaked but we do our own so I'm awful picky about what they all get. I moved her to the more open stall & she also has a fan. They get Sentinel LT for their grain & she also gets Omegatin. She was in bad shape (skin & bones) when they got her & she has come a ways but has more to gain. I'm afraid she'll lose weight even though she gets free-choice hay during the day (they come in) and some grass at night. I keep everything as dust-free as possible. She's not really labored but I didn't know if anyone had any other suggestions. Thanks - Jenn