Did a little more work on sheep shelter. I slung the middle 2”x4”x24’ into place and secured. I also replaced my fill line for water tower with hard pipe.
You will get a much better job with much more money and benefits.
When I was young I undervalued my experience and work ability so I was unwilling to leave a paycheck to look for a better job. I should have done so more often since in the rare instances where I was let go I always got a better job with a bigger paycheck and a more appreciative employer.
5 interviews this week! I’ve been working on cleaning up the yard in between.
I also got some good news on sheep front. Mocha developed a huge abscess really suddenly on her neck. I took her to the vet to get it drained and cultured. The vets all thought it was CL but sent it into A&M lab for me. Mocha and her baby went to quarantine while waiting on results.
It is NOT CL!!!
The bacteria listed is more commonly seen in pigs. It also doesn’t tend to be herd wide spreading illness like CL.