yes, it is for coccidiosis. May contian Monensin(rumensin) or Deccox. The two medications work differently, Neither will prevent all out breaks. But will help.
Something else to keep in mind - "Medicated" can give you a false sense of security. When our vet first suggested we feed it years ago, I ASSumed everything would be hunky dory w/ my kids that year.... and still had some get sick w/ Coccidiosis. They have to be big enough / eat enough to get the medication up to therapeutic levels....meaning a 3 wk old kid isn't going to ingest enough of the medication for it to if you have a cocci issue, you still need to do some form of prevention or treatment to protect the babies until they're eating enough of the medicated feed for it to 'work'. I still do cocci prevention up until they're 6-8 mos old (depending on the weather), even though by then they're eating enough of the feed.