Messybun’s Small starts big dreams


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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First, a question. How do you keep everybody from stealing your lunch? Make it out of eggplant and No one will touch it lol!
Alright, we’ve gone from the 80s to the fifties and rainy. What does that mean? Canning time! Apple butter, I kind of want to try apple pie filling too, but I’ll see how much I have. Cranberries, because I need freezer space! We stock up on those when they’re around and then freeze or can them. I’m going to try jalapeños in vinegar, and I’ll look for whatever else I can toss in. If I’m doing a day of canning I’m going to can!
This morning I tried to let my duck back out, he’s still having problems with the geese. So I’ll have to sell the bonded pair. Which is unfortunate because they’re so pretty. But oh well, I’m starting to feel bad for them the rain has mucked up their temporary pen pretty bad.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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I have a duck in the house, it rained so much their cage became unusable and needed a good air out, so now duck and duckling are in my tub. I want to get them out today. My mama chicken keeps getting a new baby every few days. There are other hens brooding while she mothers what hatches, three so far.
My dog wasn’t feeling good yesterday, but last night was so bad. He kept coughing and gagging. Not like nice coughing, but tenses his whole body coughing. Then he’d spit up a bunch of mucus. Mucus isn’t puke, so that’s better for his sugar, but I have no clue what’s going on with him. Plus, he has bad teeth and one of the front ones is loose and needs to fall out pronto. Warning to all people; do not feed your dog soft dog food and Vienna sausages every day. The people we got him from fed him that, not since he’s been with me if you wondered.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Put a note on your lunch.

To the lunch thief, I have put a laxative on part of my meal. If you eat it, we will all know who the thief is! I know what part is treated, do you?

Ducks in the bathtub. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Sorry about your dog. Sounds like he is a whole lot better with you than his previous owners.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Alright, ducks have been out for a few days. I started letting them in my yard. The mom has taken a little bit to understand that her baby needs her. She kept getting lost and the mom would just look like “why is she screaming” this duck wasn’t raised around other ducks, so she thinks that I’m the mom who just takes care of all the babies. It’s okay, they’re doing much better today so far. I have another broody duck, started with a beautiful nest, and now she’s been moved out of shelter and her nest has been pretty messed up. Every time something comes near her she backs up a few inches and then moves her nest around her. So, I’ve put a container out there and am slowly making her move into it so she’ll have shelter at least. Also, I misted her with a squirt bottle. That took her from hissy angry duck to bffs, at least for a moment.
Sad news, first thing this morning I had a drowned chick. I got wood in the water that didn’t have it, man I wish I’d have come out just a little sooner. She was a white Phoenix silkie no less. So now her mom is ultra protective of the other two.
The geese are finally letting the duckling near the water, they spent two days keeping the duckling away, but then a chick drowned. Ugh, I wonder if I can train some of the ducks to be a lifesaver. I know one has before, but with a duckling she isn’t quite up to it, I have a drake who’s definitely tame enough to work with but he’s also a coward. I might end up trying a few of them, hoping they’ll teach the others. So far I only have three who eat from my hands, we’ll see what works.
My dog is doing much better though. He’s not coughing up tons of mucus and is acting pretty normal. Yay!


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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School is going well. The system finally started working, apparently Kaplan has been having some trouble with their online courses but it seems to have resolved. We’re getting more storms, one broke our internet lol. Or at least it was a coincidence, but we got it fixed so yay.
Someone is looking for a part time nanny over the summer. Sounds fun, but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet. Hopefully she does, I got my references lined up in about ten minutes and am preparing for any questions. If she does respond I doubt it will be a formal interview, but might as well be prepared!
I believe I could do that and school and starting work after school. We’ll see though.