OMG awesome..... Please tell me where to get some recipes for pies or ice cream...... can you use it in recipes that you have to heat? I thought that heating up the milk caused it to taste goaty? Seriously.....? Do you use goat milk the same as cow milk in recipes ? WOW! Lightbulb moment
Yogurt! Cheese! Fertilizer! We use some of our excess milk as fertilizer and last year we had tomatoes until the first of November. The calcium in the milk will help stop blossom rot also. Right now I am working on a way to hook the milk into the sprinkler system and spraying it on the paddocks. Making the fertilizer is easy, one part milk to 4 parts water. Also goat milk is highly digestible for dogs and cats and they really appreciate the added treat in their food. Not to mention improving their health and appearance.
Wow, never had any idea on how many ways to use goats milk. Thank you for starting this thread. This is education at it's best. I've read novels that stated how the Tibetans utilized goats milk, including some medical but this blows my mind. Thank you.