Ridin' The Range
My family and I are getting a cow in the spring for family use, and my dad wanted a dual purpose type. Cow for milk, and any extra calves can go to the freezer when they are big enough. So, did some reading and asking around, and I came up to 2 breeds- Milking Shorthorn and a Brown Swiss. I think a Milking Shorthorn will be better for us than the Brown Swiss, as they are smaller, mature earlier and hardier. Also they are easier to milk for they have better teats then most dairy breeds. I have asked the owner of the local feedmill where to find one, and he knows a farm that has Milking Shorthorn, and will give me the name and number of the owner in a few days. I was glad for they are rare in our area.
I want to know more about this breed, and I would like to read your experiences with Milking Shorthorns, and please post pictures here of your cow/herd.
I want to know more about this breed, and I would like to read your experiences with Milking Shorthorns, and please post pictures here of your cow/herd.