Herd Master
Well, we did it again! Today I. Went out to see my little grey and white spotted dear bunny had pulled fur overnight. These bunnies are especially dear to me, because when they were very young, one of their buddies jumped into a next door hutch. We kept the lids open in the morning for cool breezes. Sadly, that rabbit got extremely stressed, and the GI Stasis took it the next day. So, soon many of them started showing signs. I had 14 in a blended hutch for play and they were bonded. I lost 6....over a week of bottle feeding, blended pellets, sub name it. These remaining bunnies are dear to me..and... I just want their liters to do well...regardless of color, breed..and I want little children to enjoy them for a long time! So, I was thrilled when I saw that two in a row are due’ll be exciting to watch them grow. There’s a third...but no ones that Blessed!