I raise pureblooded mouflons, I have a ram that is very special, he never loses his winter colores. In summer, instead of the duller beige coat he gets a short coat but the pattern is the same deep red and black with white saddle like in winter. With that said I do not want to lose these genes from my breeding stock. Here is a photo of him this last summer, he was 14 months at the time of the photo.
He is also special in other ways, he was weaned from his mother and bottle fed for the last two weeks by me and hand raised until he was 10 months old with me as his "herd" so he is very attached to me, this has its good and bad points but he was going to be a castrated pet until his color pattern became apparent. Anyway now he is extremely aggressive to anyone (and most other animals) except me, I can pretty much do anything to him I want, although I know his potential and never let my guard down around him. I am giving all of this information for a reason, I want everyone to know why it is so important to me to save this particular ram rather then cull him if he gets to a point it becomes necessary, which is what I would consider if he were any other of my sheep.
Thursday of last week I was giving him a carrot and he was very reluctant to bite it, using the side of his mouth and there was blood on the carrot where he bit. I took a look and here is what I saw.
I sent the photo to my vet and she said it was some sort of trauma and he broke the teeth, that as long as he was eating there is nothing I can do about it, any suggestions? She is going to come out next week, but she is reluctant as the charge for a visit is high when there is nothing to be done, he eats, chews his cud, but he has trouble with carrots, apples, anything hard that he has to bite.
Any advice or suggestions would be great as this is the first time I've ever had anything like this happen,
He is also special in other ways, he was weaned from his mother and bottle fed for the last two weeks by me and hand raised until he was 10 months old with me as his "herd" so he is very attached to me, this has its good and bad points but he was going to be a castrated pet until his color pattern became apparent. Anyway now he is extremely aggressive to anyone (and most other animals) except me, I can pretty much do anything to him I want, although I know his potential and never let my guard down around him. I am giving all of this information for a reason, I want everyone to know why it is so important to me to save this particular ram rather then cull him if he gets to a point it becomes necessary, which is what I would consider if he were any other of my sheep.
Thursday of last week I was giving him a carrot and he was very reluctant to bite it, using the side of his mouth and there was blood on the carrot where he bit. I took a look and here is what I saw.
I sent the photo to my vet and she said it was some sort of trauma and he broke the teeth, that as long as he was eating there is nothing I can do about it, any suggestions? She is going to come out next week, but she is reluctant as the charge for a visit is high when there is nothing to be done, he eats, chews his cud, but he has trouble with carrots, apples, anything hard that he has to bite.
Any advice or suggestions would be great as this is the first time I've ever had anything like this happen,