I had a small pony sized mule once, don't know if he was a mini or not. He was given to me by a neighbor, they'd gotten him from someone that used him as a roping dummy. They got him for their son who lost interest when he got bucked off, they liked him, but gave him to me because he attacked one of their foals (he was not pastured w/ them, and they'd had two before this one that he didn't bother, but I guess he just didn't like this last one). He was cute, I kept him for a few years, but ended up giving him to a young boy that needed something to ride!
I now have two 2 year old mules, they are not minis. These two were born here. I'm not an expert, these 3 are the extent of my mule experience, but if you will be more specific I will try to answer any questions!
Im used to horses. How different are they really? I hate the fact that horses spook. How are mules? Are there gated mules? If i crossed a walker mare w donkey would the foal gated?
They are not gaited, I think crossing a gaited horse w/ a non gaited donkey would give you 50/50 chance of gaited, but I don't know that for sure, I have no experience w/ gaited horses or mules. However my horse vet use to stand a gaited donkey, and I know there are breeders that breed for gaited mules so I'd think you could find one if you looked.
They are smart, I think they think things over abit more then horses, where a horse will just "do it" a mule seems to ask "why?", I think that is where they get the rep of being stubborn. I have not yet started riding mine, so my experience is limited to ground work, but they have been easy enough to train, they are not as flighty as horses. Joker can be abit pushy and gets in my space alot, but I've had young horses do the same (we're working on it, and he is getting better).
I don't trust the mules the way I might the horses w/ smaller animals, Joker will go after the dogs (this could be a good thing if you don't want dogs in your pasture), haven't seen Canya do it yet. Over all I like the mules I'm looking forward to training them!! Although I won't give up my horse!
I love mules... a few years back at the Claremont Auction they had a HUGE mule, she must have been 16hh. Some guy walked by and asked his wife "honey, is that a hanovarian" I just about peed myself laughing.
I don't really have any personal experience myself, but I've heard both good and bad things about them. A guy down the road from us purchased a mule that was supposed to be excellent on the trails. The guy tried him out extensively and everything. Brought him home and shortly after had him on the trails. The first time out, the mule spooked so badly that the guy broke an arms, several ribs, and injured his shoulder.
I think any equine will spook. Its just in their nature because they are prey animals. I don't know if you would be able to make a generalization saying that all of a certain type of animal will be whatever, because really it depends on the individual animal.
I have heard that they do make very good and surefooted trail mounts, but I've also heard that if you are not used to a mule personality, they can be difficult to work with. Apparently they are not like horses and require a different approach. People say they are stubborn, but I think they get that reputation because they are so smart.
So in other words, if you do decide to go mule shopping, look for one with the qualities you want, just like you would a horse. However, I do know several great trail horses who are not very spooky! So not ALL horses spook at the wind