Loving the herd life
So, I've been doing research on the web about different dog breeds. I love dogs but my boyfriend hates the hair. So, my search turns to dog breeds that shed less. Turns out there is this "designer dog" poodle mix that would be a nice fit. However, I am a firm believer in adopting a pound puppy way before I would go in search of a breeder. Now before you all scoff and say what a horrible combination it is I am really drawn to a mix called a Doodleman Pinscher. Hate the name, love the dog. Boyfriend loves dobermans I love the low shedding intelligence of the poodle. Both wonderfully smart breeds and offspring looks like an Irish Wolfhound. In my research I've found people freaking out about this mix. Like "how dare they mix two pure bred dogs to produce such a mutt. Taint an AKC purebred doberman by breeding him to a (snicker) poodle"?!?!?! Don't these people understand that this is the way new breeds are developed? The best dog I ever had was an unknown mix from the animal shelter.They said greyhound/pit mix. I think plott hound/doberman mix. Smartest, sweetest, well mannered boy I've ever had the pleasure to welcome into my family. His only downfall is he should be bald with all the fur he loses all over my house and sneaking on the furniture when no one is around. Why are people so freaked out by mixed breeds? My goats? mini-nubians. developed by crossing ND to standard nubians. Lots of yummy milk at 3/4 the size and also hardier. My chickens? Easter-eggers and golden comets. Also, cross breeds. Lovely little egg layers even thru the winter. Mixes are great! What do you think?
Doodleman Pinscher
Winston (the brindle) my Plotterman Hound Pinscher
eta-side note. the Boston Terrier in this picture was a retired breeder. Tossed because she was no longer useful. Neurotic, peed on the floor if you left her home alone out of her crate, mean as heck to other girl dogs but hey she was pure bred with papers and a tattoo...btw I loved her to death with all her crazy
Doodleman Pinscher
Winston (the brindle) my Plotterman Hound Pinscher
eta-side note. the Boston Terrier in this picture was a retired breeder. Tossed because she was no longer useful. Neurotic, peed on the floor if you left her home alone out of her crate, mean as heck to other girl dogs but hey she was pure bred with papers and a tattoo...btw I loved her to death with all her crazy
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