Loving the herd life
Thought I'd share some pictures of my place and the two horses I know own, although I picking us horse #3 tomorrow.
This is a good shot at my new fencing. I absolutely love it! It's even easy to slip through the openings and my 2 dogs have THAT down pat.
Here's a view through two pine trees that create a great windblock in my south pasture. The horses and dogs are in the middle.
From left to right: Tool shed, ( front of horse trailer, "Rose," "Pgy" (foreground), "Sweet Cuppin Cakes" (background), "Moon Eyes" in front of out house.
APple tree, then canoe next to tool shed, "carraige house" in the background.
View looking throught the "orchard" past the fencing into the south pasture with my 30 pine trees.
Old oak tree--destined for the chopping block!
We're flat as a board--here's a view NW of the barn towards my north pasture and the 50 acres of somebody else's cropland.
Rose & Pygma, resting between "wolfing"
It never lasts long...
OH, I almost forgot--"Cuppin Cakes" gets to watch "bird tv" on icy days~
This is a good shot at my new fencing. I absolutely love it! It's even easy to slip through the openings and my 2 dogs have THAT down pat.
Here's a view through two pine trees that create a great windblock in my south pasture. The horses and dogs are in the middle.
From left to right: Tool shed, ( front of horse trailer, "Rose," "Pgy" (foreground), "Sweet Cuppin Cakes" (background), "Moon Eyes" in front of out house.
APple tree, then canoe next to tool shed, "carraige house" in the background.
View looking throught the "orchard" past the fencing into the south pasture with my 30 pine trees.
Old oak tree--destined for the chopping block!
We're flat as a board--here's a view NW of the barn towards my north pasture and the 50 acres of somebody else's cropland.
Rose & Pygma, resting between "wolfing"
It never lasts long...
OH, I almost forgot--"Cuppin Cakes" gets to watch "bird tv" on icy days~