Ridin' The Range
I have 2 piglets. I brought home 4, the 2 tiny boys died within 24hours. I've had them a week now. I called animal control on the people I bought them from to give you an idea of the conditions I got them from. I noticed yesterday the little one (maybe 4lbs?) felt warmer than usual, but since my goats always feel hot to me, too, I didn't think much of it. They were eating and running just fine yesterday, and nursing on my goats every chance they got. rofl. This morning, I went out to feed them, and they were fast asleep. They usually get really excited when I go down to the barn and follow me around nudging my feet and ankles. I went over and pet them awake. The bigger one (maybe 10lbs? Older by a few weeks I'd say) got up, but she just walked off somewhere else to lie down. The little one was limp. She is breathing heavily and has foam around her mouth. I thought at first that maybe a goat had stepped on her, but after going to check on the bigger one, I realized they are just very sick. The little one is limp and has really gunky eyes and the foam around her mouth. The bigger one is still up and about, but obviously weak and not feeling well. She has a fever and is coughing once in a while. Not often, but it sounds terrible and productive. They both have a little yellow snot, but not real bad.
I just gave them each a shot of LA200 and some B12 complex. I brought them in the house and bathed them first b/c they are absolutely filthy and stink to high heaven. Their diarrhea that they'd had since I got them was getting better, but we've had a lot of rain and they're covered in mud, guess that's probably normal for pigs in the South where it's so hot though. Not sure if the diarrhea is back or not. Anyway, I bathed them, gave them their shots, and have them in a big plastic bin on some pine pellet cat litter and hay here in the house. My hubby is going to be really unhappy with that! But I want them away from the goats and chickens and where they are easy to check on for now! I gave them a bowl of milk and squirted some from a bottle into the little one's mouth, but neither are interested in food at all.
Sound like I'm doing everything I can? Anything else I can do for them? These poor little piggies have had SUCH a rough start in life!
And I will be so so sad if I lose another one!
I just gave them each a shot of LA200 and some B12 complex. I brought them in the house and bathed them first b/c they are absolutely filthy and stink to high heaven. Their diarrhea that they'd had since I got them was getting better, but we've had a lot of rain and they're covered in mud, guess that's probably normal for pigs in the South where it's so hot though. Not sure if the diarrhea is back or not. Anyway, I bathed them, gave them their shots, and have them in a big plastic bin on some pine pellet cat litter and hay here in the house. My hubby is going to be really unhappy with that! But I want them away from the goats and chickens and where they are easy to check on for now! I gave them a bowl of milk and squirted some from a bottle into the little one's mouth, but neither are interested in food at all.
Sound like I'm doing everything I can? Anything else I can do for them? These poor little piggies have had SUCH a rough start in life!