Hi - I have a 3yr old female, Jesse, who suddenly is acting strange (not leaving the barn and just standing, not lying down) still interested in food but not hay...so when I get a closer look I see she is trying to lick the front part of her belly/chest area. OMG she has a big cut but its not actively bleeding. So I don't know if this happened yesterday maybe when she jumped the fence (which my naughty goats do often) but when I tried to wipe it with soap and water on a washcloth she did moan like it hurt her. So I left it alone. I'll attach some pics. I am trying to show you using my fingers how long it is and how I believe the skin is supposed to be attached.
What do I do? Get her on the ground and clean it real good - put something over it, on it, let her take care of it herself? Any advice is appreciated.
What do I do? Get her on the ground and clean it real good - put something over it, on it, let her take care of it herself? Any advice is appreciated.