Overrun with beasties
Hey, I need some counsel. A young doe of ours just kidded (first freshening) this morning. This is also my first time assisting a goat birth. She had one doeling, that was breech presentation, both back hooves presented first. There was no further progress for an hour, and contractions slowed, and almost seemed to stop. I went ahead and was big and tight, with head and both front hooves still stuck in birthing canal/(pelvis?) Body was born, cord broke, head was stuck...due to the emergency of the moment I went in for the baby, had to move one hoof at a time out, and finally had to work hard to remove head. It took some upside down swinging and such to clear lungs, and at first we were afraid we had lost her, but she started breathing and coughing and seems very healthy now. Both mom and baby doing great. Question: Does mom absolutely need antibiotics because I had to go in so deep? I did not have gloves and had scrubbed up about and hour and half before...but not right before. I don't have access to a livestock vet until Monday, and even then it's iffy. Is there something I can buy from the farm supply store? Or a natural option like calloidal silver? Help please! Mama goat is doing great...but I don't want her to get an infection.Obviously.