nervous about kidding time, what am I missing from kidding kit?


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Aug 8, 2011
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We are down to 3 weeks before out first doe is due and I am honestly getting pretty nervous about it.
Maybe I've been reading too many birthing stories of people who have had to pull kids, lose kids, lose does, etc. :hide

It's our first kidding here, but not my first time at a goat birth. I was raised on a goat farm so I've been around births and all that. In fact I can recall having to go in and help a pygmy doe when I was 7 or 8 years old because my hands were small enough to help. I can't help but wonder how it will go if we have to "go in" and help. We have a pygmy doe and a nigerian doe. The pygmy doe had major issues her last time kidding so I worry more about her since that is in her history. We think a lot of those issues though were caused by her being in poor health at kidding time. :/ I was thinking this morning of possibly having my oldest son help if we had to go in, but he's only 6 and I really don't think he'd understand what he needed to do or why. I only thought of him because my hands are not all that small (yes I'm a woman, but my hands are not "dainty") and I worry about hurting the doe trying to go in and help out.
I'll be visiting with my dad probably this weekend and I'll ask him a few things and have him "on call" if we have issues at kidding time. Yes, there is a vet around who deals with goats, but we've never had to use him. We did call him for medication dosages when we first got Bailey and had to do lots to get her back in good health. We've never had him out to the house though or met him in person. I figure my dad has been raising goats my whole life (I'm in my late 20s) so he has plenty of knowledge that should be able to get us through most issues that may arise at kidding time.

As for a kidding kit, well I have like 2 things so far, a few towels and a bulb syringe. I don't plan on dipping navels (my dad doesn't do it and hasn't had issues). So what am I missing?

So do I really need to worry as much as I am? Or should I just relax and let nature do it's thing?

Sorry if that is a lot of rambling, but I needed to get it all out of my head and out somewhere.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
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Muncy Valley, PA
It is perfectly natural to be nervous. It is also a requirement of the doe code that you be nervous. If you have to 'go in', and the chances are better that you won't, but if you do, you will be amazed at just how much room there is in there. Just make sure your hands are clean as possible, and I always cut or file my fingernails just before kidding just in case. You can also always wear gloves, but I find I cannot 'see with my hands' nearly as well with gloves on. We do dip navels, it is a small thing but I figure why take the chance. Like most things goat, there are no absolute rights or wrongs.

I have an extensive birthing kit, and the things that I use are towels, towels, and more towels, a bulb syringe, puppy pads to lay kids on, Iodine for navels. I used scissors one time to shorten a cord after it broke too long, and I honestly think that is all I have ever used. Oh and more towels. ;)

You will do fine. Will be :pop


True BYH Addict
Jan 7, 2011
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3 cc syringe or bottle and nipple incase they need to be fed. A few cc's of colostrum can by you some time as they all figure out what to do. 3 cc syringe works well for this.
corn syrup for energy if they are cold.
we use thick paper towels
heat lamp or way to keep them warm if it is cold when they kid.
a camera with charged battieries.


Just born
Mar 11, 2013
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I use a product call Super Lube from Premier 1 and never had an infection or issue after having to assist in the birthing process. Also waxed dental floss in the birthing kit is used if a navel breaks off to short or does not stop bleeding. The wax keeps it tight until you tie the second knot. Paper towels work for me. That yellow goo is hard to clean off terry towels and paper seems to grab the fluid out of a mouth to let the kid breath easier. The paper and all the birthing fluid goes into a plastic bag and off the farm. Predators know that smell and know a helpless baby is around. I probably assist to early, but does that are not exhausted from a difficult birth can take much better care of the kids. 7% iodine will dry off the navel very quickly and stop any bacteria from gaining entrance into the newborn, cheap insurance. Good luck, you seem to have a good handle on what you are doing.


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Aug 8, 2011
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Dan-Vir said:
I use a product call Super Lube from Premier 1 and never had an infection or issue after having to assist in the birthing process. Also waxed dental floss in the birthing kit is used if a navel breaks off to short or does not stop bleeding. The wax keeps it tight until you tie the second knot. Paper towels work for me. That yellow goo is hard to clean off terry towels and paper seems to grab the fluid out of a mouth to let the kid breath easier. The paper and all the birthing fluid goes into a plastic bag and off the farm. Predators know that smell and know a helpless baby is around. I probably assist to early, but does that are not exhausted from a difficult birth can take much better care of the kids. 7% iodine will dry off the navel very quickly and stop any bacteria from gaining entrance into the newborn, cheap insurance. Good luck, you seem to have a good handle on what you are doing.
I only know what I know from reading all the threads on kidding, what I can remember from growing up on a goat farm and what I have learned from my dad. When it all goes down I'll be relieved. ;) Now my DH has never been around a goat birth so I hope he gets to be there to see how it goes and hopefully learn something. I just hope I can keep my cool and be able to do what I need to do. I'm really hoping both does kid without issues though. Healthy kids, smooth births and moms that accept and care for their kid(s) is all I ask for :fl

Guess I will look for the iodine just to have it on hand. I think I've heard some people use a spray version of it, if I can find that it would be handy. Will definitely consider paper towels vs regular towels. I've got some really old towels I was planning to use that if they get permanently messed up it isn't a big loss.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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I only used iodine for Spells kids this year because their cords seemed to snap broken really fast (instead of pulling tight then barely breaking like every one elses) and they seemed to be bleeding more than I liked. I used my fingers to clamp them shut and after a few minutes, I used the dental tape to tie them off. Since my fingers were so intimate with a blood supply, I soaked their bellies with iodine. A small bottle from walmart for "just in cases" is a good idea.


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Aug 8, 2011
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ragdollcatlady said:
I only used iodine for Spells kids this year because their cords seemed to snap broken really fast (instead of pulling tight then barely breaking like every one elses) and they seemed to be bleeding more than I liked. I used my fingers to clamp them shut and after a few minutes, I used the dental tape to tie them off. Since my fingers were so intimate with a blood supply, I soaked their bellies with iodine. A small bottle from walmart for "just in cases" is a good idea.
So the first aid antiseptic iodine is what you buy?


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Yeah, I just have the regular povidone iodine. I don't usually use it, but was glad I had it on hand.

Cara Peachick

Ridin' The Range
Mar 24, 2011
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The only things no one has mentioned that I find essential are:
1. Hibiclens or other surgical scrub to clean your hands and arms before going in, if you need to do that.
2. a stiff drink for after :lol:

and just a few more comments-

I love the puppy pads - usually go through about 2-3 per kid. I find they are cheaper in the "incontinence" section of the regular grocery - near the adult diapers and tampons and stuff.

Myself, in contrast to an earlier post, I prefer the regular cotton towels - I find the texture cleans better than the paper and can clean goo off their face really fast. I've not had any problem with the towels getting clean in the washer. So, I guess have both available and see what you like best for next time.

I always trim cords, so I keep scissors.

I have molasses in my birthing kit to give mama a refreshing drink just after birthing. Not a necessity, but my does seem to appreciate it and pick molasses water over plain.

Remember to worm right after birthing!

Good luck, and have fun!