Ridin' The Range
Hello! my name is Virginia, been married to the hubby for 18 years. We have 6 children, three boys and three girls Ages range from 16yr old to 1 yr old. We will be getting a tiny herd of goats next week. I have some plans set up for housing and we have a decent piece of property With two modest yards for the goats along with plenty more we can graze them on. We used to have chickens and I was actually a member of backyard chickens. We don’t have them anymore but plan to move in 6 months to a year and will def be getting more then. Anyway, I’m new to goats. I’ve been looking some things up and what not but could use all the tips you can give. We are getting a Nubian buckling, a Nubian doeling, a Nigerian dwarf buckling and a boer doeling. I know..mixed herd. Lol. Most are rescues though. And since they are all young, I figure they will be good growing up together. I was planning on banding the dwarf buckling and allowing the dapple Nubian to mate with the ladies (when they are old enough.). I’m mostly looking to have them as pets and for milking. I’m not really all that interested in breeding as a business. Any tips or suggestions would be great!