New farmer in Virginia... :D


Exploring the pasture
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Good morning! I found BackYardHerds from BackYardChickens while looking at chicken coop plans. When my husband and I moved back to Virginia after 5 years in Arizona, I told him I wanted to have a farm... since we have the land, it only makes sense! We have two daughters that love animals as much as we do, and they are excited about expanding our family (furry family that is).

We started with two cats, Jackson and Winston, that are total city cats. One is scared of mice and the other will give them baths and have conversations with them...

We also had a lemon beagle (courtesy of Craigslist and mommy's tender heart) who thinks he is a hunting dog, but tends to forget what he is doing once he has something treed...

We started building our chicken coop earlier this spring, but I have always loved goats. My uncle had sheep and goats and goats are comical and friendly and the girls wanted something to show at the fair, so I started looking on good ol' Craigslist for goats, not really knowing what kind I wanted, when I came across a free goat. I called, we went to get it (in our mini van) and now Daisy, a 2 year old registered pygmy goat is part of our family. The girls love her and the feeling is mutual. I think they would sleep out in the goat pen with her if we would let them...

We know that goats are social creatures and in searching for another goat to add, we went to a friend's farm, tried goats milk to make sure we all liked it, and I fell in LOVE with their Nubian goats, one in particular a little mini Nubian buckling named Purcevell Ulysses... PU for short. So now I am trying to decide how many goats we can have :D

We are also working on finishing up the chicken coop (was going to be a tractor for 3-4 chickens and now is a 4x8 for 32 chickens) and we will also be fixing up the fences for a couple steer... also on the list (my list... not sure DH is on board yet hehe) are rabbits and possibly geese, since my dad mentioned that geese will weed my garden for me, and of course a horse or two....or three... or four!!


Loving the herd life
Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Congratulations on the free goat! Especially a registered one! I'm constantly on CL and rarely see free ones.

I lived in Virginia for 4 yrs during my college years - I live and am from Connecticut and met my husband while I was home on summer break so we, of course, settled in CT. But he fell in love with VA when he would visit me and we have dreams of owning a little farm in VA someday if the right moment comes. It is absolutely georgous there and I never came across a rude person.

And talk about a small world, my twin sister lives in Phoenix!


Ridin' The Range
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score

I live in Virginia, too. :) We live on a farm up on a mountain side, which has it's challenges, lol. We currently have 14 chickens, three horses, a dog and two cats. :D

We actually found a goat once on a trail ride. Waaaay up on the very top of a mountain. To this day, we have no idea how it got there as it was only about 6 months old. :idunno She followed us back to the trailers and was absolutely hysterical with joy to see people, so she obviously had belonged to someone at one time.....but we went around to every home in the area (all of which were at the bottom of the mountain and there were not that many anyway) but no one had lost a goat. So, I brought her home, lol. We kept her for a time, but she was so lonely and wanted to come into the house with us and didn't ever bond with the horses.....and we really didn't need any more goats, we gave her to a friend who raised milk goats. He said she was a dairy cross and once she was out in a herd of goats her age, she settled down and ended up very happy and content.

And that's my goat story. :p


Loving the herd life
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
North Georgia
CountryMommy said:
So now I am trying to decide how many goats we can have :D
Hehehehe.... You may decide "4 goats is perfect," then once you have 4 you might think "well, 5 goats would be better"... "you know- 6 goats would be great!"... "hmmm- what's one more goat?" ... and so on and so forth. :gig
