I have been wanting dairy goats for some time, I have been reading as much as I can about them. This site has been one of the best sources for information. I have been looking locally for goats and have finally found some that are within my budget. I will have to travel 2 hours away. The 2 does are a mix of large breeds the mom is 2 and the baby is 9 months. The lady will hold them for me and breed them in November if I want her to. Anyway
I am trying to figure out how much it is going to cost me so I can be well prepared financially. Can you tell me how much you spend a month, on what and how many goats you have? Thank You so much for helping me out!!!
Edited to add question: I live in upstate New York in the Adirondacks where it can get -20 at night what kind of extra precations should I take? They will be well housed in a garage like structure which also has the chicken coup in.
Edited to add question: I live in upstate New York in the Adirondacks where it can get -20 at night what kind of extra precations should I take? They will be well housed in a garage like structure which also has the chicken coup in.