Hey everyone. I love this site, very helpful people! great ideas too!
I was wondering if you could give me a hand here. I'm new to raising calves from the dairy I've always raised horses and goats. So what I'm wondering is do you have any home ticks for scours pneumonia. I live in Minnesota and this past weekend it was very cold and only lost one little guy the dairy where we get these lil ones from sent blankets this last time for the trailer ride, Well i just kept them on and they are doing well with them. Should i look into buying more blankets and just letting them wear them like i do after my horses build their winter hair coat?
Is there any thing else pointers websites to ready anything?... My neighbors are well around here are well while they scratch you back to help you they are stabbing it. I don't have any older farmers around here in the cattle to work with so just looking for some pointers tips tricks. They are Holsteins that we get from the dairy.
Thanks to anyone who helps!
I was wondering if you could give me a hand here. I'm new to raising calves from the dairy I've always raised horses and goats. So what I'm wondering is do you have any home ticks for scours pneumonia. I live in Minnesota and this past weekend it was very cold and only lost one little guy the dairy where we get these lil ones from sent blankets this last time for the trailer ride, Well i just kept them on and they are doing well with them. Should i look into buying more blankets and just letting them wear them like i do after my horses build their winter hair coat?
Is there any thing else pointers websites to ready anything?... My neighbors are well around here are well while they scratch you back to help you they are stabbing it. I don't have any older farmers around here in the cattle to work with so just looking for some pointers tips tricks. They are Holsteins that we get from the dairy.
Thanks to anyone who helps!