Newbie needs help, please!


Just born
Jun 5, 2010
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We have two Doe (Female) Mini Rex (I don't know if this is a "Dwarf" or not, their not two big, but I would not say their small.)

I build a cage with 3 rooms, two small areas and a bigger main chamber. My thought was they wold sleep in the small areas and do the rest in the big are. Man I was wrong. They use the small areas 14" x 24" at toilets, one each. And the big room is where they live.

I had some wire fence 2' high and 25' long (it's 1x2) and we used that to make a play area for them, about 8' x 8', its up against the house. They spend most of the time in the play area.

They do sometime get to "mating" each other, I'm sure it has something to do with cycle. But other than that they seem to get a long very well. At one point they where being a little to aggressive to each other so I split the big are in two with wire fencing, that saw a bad Idea, they just pulled at the wire with their teeth. So I took it out.

Now their back to being good girls. The one problem we have is their digging, they LOVE to dig. We moved them to the protected side of the house last fall and they now have a big warren dug under their play area. I don't mined to much, but every once in a wile they or one will escape. Then its catch the bunny time. Though most of the time they just come back to their pin after about half a day running a round.

I have not had any problems with predators, I know their are raccoons in the area, and so far no problems with dogs. We will be moving them to the south side (Exposed) of the house this weekend so I know they will not be happy with me. They will lose their warren.

Good Luck on your rabbits, If you can play with them lots, they will be much better to handle, ours don't get the love they desire from our kids, so they don't like to be handled much. But that's kids and pets. :)


Exploring the pasture
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Why are you moving them to the south side? They do better in shade.

You can have them without cage if there are not preditors. They will probably stick around. I have some who are frtete range. Most stay be some do decide not to return.


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
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Wilmington, NC
There have been several references in this thread to domestic rabbits and wild rabbits, so I just thought I'd clarify something. The domestic rabbit is descended from the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). If you live in North America, your local wild rabbits are going to be one species or another from the genus Sylvilagus - not even close. They cannot interbreed, although there are some diseases and parasites that they can exchange.

If there aren't any dogs, cats, owls, hawks, weasels, foxes, snakes, raccoons, bears, coyotes, or bobcats (not a complete list, but you get the idea) in your area, you may be able to allow your rabbits to range within a fenced area, otherwise, you need a secure cage. I have known a few pairs of rabbits (of any and all combinations of sexes) that got along without problems, but most of the rabbits of my experience needed to have a cage of their own for at least part of their lives. I have known bucks and does that had wonderful personalities, and I have known some that were just snots! As someone else said, it depends on the individual rabbits.

Summertime heat is a serious threat to rabbits. They need to have water available at all times; outdoor hutches should be set up in the shade if at all possible. A cool breeze can be a literal lifesaver. Some people will fill 2 liter bottles with water and freeze them, some rabbits will snuggle up and enjoy the coolness, some just ignore them. Anything you can do to keep your rabbit cool at this time of year is good.


Overrun with beasties
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Or you could just get ONE rabbit, a female, and have her friendly to people. No competition from other rabbit, no one to fight WITH! And one is easier to buy stuff for, less investment. One will be easier to move on, if it turns out rabbits do not suit you as time passes.

Good luck with your new pet.