Just born
I have 2 Registered American Alphine Does (milking mom and 7 1/2 month daughter). Thanks to my wonderful friend, who I purchased the does from, I have access to a Boar Buck for no cost. She's using him next week or so and then I can borrow him. (she said the girls came into heat last year within a day or two of the buck showing up - she's planning on this only taking a week).
She's going this route because she used a registered Alphine buck last year thinking that the kids would sell quickly and easily. They didn't. They were registered, healthy, VERY well cared for (like pets), and $150 each.
So, if we use a Boar buck, will the kids be marketable at all? By marketable, I mean either for meat or for someone to purchase. If my children fall in love with a doeling, could she be kept and later bred and milked?
If we don't use this buck, what are my options? We live in Southwest, PA and have no trailer to transport a buck. I don't know of another Alpine owner in my area and AI intimidates me (also concerned about it not working).
Thanks for any help - I've read a LOT on these boards and you all are so helpful, but this is my first time posting.
She's going this route because she used a registered Alphine buck last year thinking that the kids would sell quickly and easily. They didn't. They were registered, healthy, VERY well cared for (like pets), and $150 each.
So, if we use a Boar buck, will the kids be marketable at all? By marketable, I mean either for meat or for someone to purchase. If my children fall in love with a doeling, could she be kept and later bred and milked?
If we don't use this buck, what are my options? We live in Southwest, PA and have no trailer to transport a buck. I don't know of another Alpine owner in my area and AI intimidates me (also concerned about it not working).
Thanks for any help - I've read a LOT on these boards and you all are so helpful, but this is my first time posting.