Chickens are the gateway farm animal. At first chickens are the most marvelous thing ever…… then you start thinking about having your own milk……. a goat doesn’t eat much, then you want to raise your own meat, it snowballs from there…..
Welcome to the forum from East Texas. I went from a house nearly downtown, to planting a small garden, to a few chickens, to moving to 8 acres, getting sheep, raising feeder pigs, a steer, now I’m on 25 acres, and yes, I’m a crazy idiot, but a happy one! I have 26 breeding ewes, 2 have lambed twins, rest due soon. Plus 7 young ewes that are too young to breed yet, and 3 rams. 2 Anatolian Shepherds and a big farm dog. I raise meat chickens in the spring and stock the freezer.
What kind of chickens do you have? How many? I’m sure you need MORE!!
I have red hybrids. Orpington gold laced rooster I have one ayam cemani only Hatcher 4 weeks old Sunday and a few more chick haha I’m sure I will blink and I end up with loads