Herd Master
Ok so my Lady Guinevere (Toulouse goose) she about be I guess two (wow how time flies) anyways I noticed yesterday she was having .hard time walking I assumed it was a sprain so I put her in a crate to prevent her from walking to much. (She has her sister Henny penny, and their boyfriend gander lander in a large pen area). I let her out to see how she was and she could walk very well s I though that was the end of it. And. Just went to check on my pregnant doe and I noticed she was having a hard time again. I also note that the plastic colored tag I had on her was tight so I took I off and let her go for a minute and she did better but still fell after a bit. So I have her in the house now. So now it's a waiting game again to see how she does in the morning. I looked for injury of any kind and could not find any so if I keeps up any thoughts. She walks then kicks both of her feet behind her and falls on her stomach. I very concerned about her. (No vets)