Overrun with beasties
My 5 month old wethers are not eating their alfalfa hay. They get four cups of grains a day and free feed on Alfalfa pellets and out in the pasture all day. I really want to make sure they do eat alfalfa hay because when we get snow, they are not going to get to browse much and I don't think the alfalfa pellets will give them enough roughage. I am thinking about locking them inside their pen and only leave them the alfalfa hay and still give them their daily grains and no alfalfa pellets nor browsing...hoping that would force them to eat the hay. I am also concern about UC...eating the grain and not enough calcium to balance. How long should I try this method without risking their health? They have their minerals and kelp meals and water. I want to keep them on grains till they are at least one for proper bone and body growth. Got any tricks to make them eat their alfalfa? I just got the hay and my neighbor's goats are eating this same hay.