Hey guys!
I recently got two Nubian kids (about 5 mo old) a doe and a wether. They're brother and sister and may be the most adorable little dudes in the world. I like to sit and let them browse around outside the pen around after work, but I have noticed that the doe seems obsessed with the wooden steps on my porch. I got them a mineral block from Tractor supply that they don't seem interested in, it was for goats NOT goat and sheep. I'm wondering if this might indicate some mineral deficiency, or if its just some goofy behavior.
I recently got two Nubian kids (about 5 mo old) a doe and a wether. They're brother and sister and may be the most adorable little dudes in the world. I like to sit and let them browse around outside the pen around after work, but I have noticed that the doe seems obsessed with the wooden steps on my porch. I got them a mineral block from Tractor supply that they don't seem interested in, it was for goats NOT goat and sheep. I'm wondering if this might indicate some mineral deficiency, or if its just some goofy behavior.