True BYH Addict
It has come to my attention that I am perhaps over-killing with my fence height and spending more money then I need to. I have been using 6 ft tall fencing for my sheep, goats and alpacas. One roll I scored for free and one I bought myself (to match the free one, duhhhh). I'm coming to the realization that maybe I don't really need a 6 ft tall fence for my livestock. Especially since it could save me $20-$30 a roll. I know it would probably look funny to continue fencing with a shorter height but am thinking of using the higher fence along the irrigation canal that I have the pens against? (There is a decent hill down to it, so not literally right on it). What would you do? If funds were not an issue, I would keep doing the 6ft tall and if that is the best then I will, but could it hurt to go for a lesser height?
We also do not have much predator activity if that influences it. We have 3 dogs, two of which are protectors of the property and us(not LGD just Catahoula's)and one old Lab that lets me know if she hears ANYTHING. Raccoons are our biggest threat and they go for our birds, never anyone else.
Sorry for the long post and thank you!
We also do not have much predator activity if that influences it. We have 3 dogs, two of which are protectors of the property and us(not LGD just Catahoula's)and one old Lab that lets me know if she hears ANYTHING. Raccoons are our biggest threat and they go for our birds, never anyone else.
Sorry for the long post and thank you!