Palomino's Training Journal-Showtime!


True BYH Addict
Dec 19, 2020
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Finally getting caught up after a whirlwind 2 weeks!

Among other things, we went back to the beautiful Nashoba Carriage Classic with that tricolor high point rosette as the goal, but what we came back with was much more than I ever expected! As always, it was an amazing time with so many great friends, plenty of wonderful food, and an inspiring conference on top for a packed and memorable, possibly (definitely) life changing, weekend.

But the weekend before that, I also went to Indiana for a breed show to get Tomas closer to his Hall of Fame. It was a nice show in a pretty area of Indiana and I was able to see some dear friends from the dairy goat world. Tomas did pretty well too, after nearly 3 years away from shows.


After a few (3) days, which included sending one of the last consignment horses to her new home, we were off on the really crazy weekend! 🤪

I'll start off with the insane schedule. It was definitely an ambitious one, especially after showing the last weekend, but 💯 worth it!

Thursday/Friday/Saturday 😂
Left Kentucky 9am
Arrived Germantown 5pm
Arrived Memphis Airport 6pm
Departed 11pm
Arrived Dallas hotel 2am Friday
Conference began 8am
Conference ended 5pm
Dinner with friends and family
Airport at 9pm
Flight left 11pm
Arrived Memphis Hotel 3am Saturday
Arrived at show barn 5:30am
Walked course 6am
Ready to show at 8am
Asleep in the hotel by noon😅

Obviously not much sleep happened before that!

Sunday was a normal show day, even though we arrived home around 1am.

We drove from Kentucky to Germantown on Thursday with Amigo and the carriage. Due to delays, the 6hr drive took 8hrs. Settled Amigo in his stall, dropped off all of the show supplies and ran to the Memphis airport at 6pm, only to find they had delayed the flight until midnight. Sadly we missed the opening ceremony of the convention, but were able to share patches with others at the airport! Everything happens for a reason.

The light therapy conference was outstanding. Simply, Wow! Truly cutting edge, innovative, and helpful to millions, soon to be billions! Sharing the experience with friends and family made it even better and we were able to meet the amazing Scott Brannan and Renita Rhone Brannan as well. While we were not there in person for Saturday and Sunday, and so unfortunately just missed seeing @Baymule, I was able to catch most of it virtually between classes.


And if it weren't for the energy and stress patches, I don't know how I would have gotten through Saturday! But we did, winning Reverse Psychology, Working, and coming in a solid 2nd in Turnout.


Sunday was a dream. Timed Obstacles are sometimes a matter of a ball or two, and while we were 2nd because of one, we did have the fastest overall time. However, the biggest victory of the show for me came in Reinsmanship, a class rarely offered, but one I have always wanted to win! And with that I knew we had sealed high point, but the best and biggest surprise was yet to come!


We also participated in the Magnolia Drive this year and Amigo did so well. This was our first real trail drive and we both enjoyed it. I would not have thought that possible a few short years ago. Once again, Amigo was dependable and consistent in everything and won the biggest award of his titled career yet!


In staying for the awards dinner, I discovered we had not only won high point for the VSE's, but High Point Adult for the entire Nashoba Carriage Classic! This was not even on my radar and I will always treasure the memories of this wonderful weekend.
From beautiful horses, carriage driving, travel, great friends, family, amazing food, a world changing health technology conference and William Shatner, not much was left out.🤣

Squeezing in the conference, turned out to be a great decision. I wasn't sure how much I would get out of it, but it was phenomenal and I honestly couldn't say which I enjoyed more, the show or the conference! It was absolutely incredible, inspiring, and truly life changing for so many. I feel blessed to be part of this company and have the opportunity to share it with others to give them not only better health in every way, but the prospect of financial freedom as well. I would not have been able to show this weekend without it. Not only for myself but Amigo as well!

The whole weekend was perfect! Winning high point for the 2nd year in a row, this time without a tie, and then the Overall high point, was just unreal. It will be hard to top, but next year is already on my calendar! This time the carriage show is 3 days before the conference, which is in California, so it will be a little less hectic.



True BYH Addict
Dec 19, 2020
Reaction score
Congrats! Will you be going the CA next year?
Thank you! Yes, Absolutely!! It's a few days after the carriage show so they won't conflict. And actually, if I had to choose, I would do the conference! It was so good.

Congrats on all of it! 🥰
Thank you! 😊

That is absolutely amazing.... so very very pleased for you and your horses...
Thank you very much! Hopefully we can do it again with a bigger size!

Absolutely fabulous weekend for you, the conference and the horses!
Thank you! Yes it was! See you next year!

Love love love your post! So glad you got to do all that! 😍😍😍

And really nice pictures too!
Thank you! Same here. Getting to shows is never easy for me.

Back to a "normal" schedule now. Giving lessons at the horse park lets me stop by most of the events here. This past week it was the national horse show and US dressage finals. I also made a special trip to Fasig Tripton. Finally got to see Night of Stars in person! And Kentucky is beautiful in any season.

