I am wondering if anyone uses just a straight Goat Pellet (16% plus all the minerals they need) to feed their goats and then just lets them graze. My goats waste soooooo much hay and it's soooo expensive.
I feed mostly browse (blackberry bushes, cedar trees and anything else we've taken out recently, plus they have weeds and grass in their day pen. They also get alfalfa pellets twice a day because I'm not feeding hay at $20/bale. The doeling still gets grain while the wether doesnt. I dont think I would pull the alfalfa pellets and just feed browse though. (ETA: Only because I dont think it would work for my current situation! Might work for you depending on what you offer for them to eat.)
I think we need more info. What kind of goats and how old? and what would they be grazing? If it were just grass I'd add in extra besides just grain.
I do something similar. They all get grained, and I usually let them out of their pen to browse for a couple hours a day (Stinkers won't eat whats already IN their pen...) If I don't let them out that day, or they weren't out for very long, I will give them hay. In the winter they have hay every day.
we Don't feed any hay from April to DEcember, unless we are in a drought. Some of them get pellets as well, and some of them are only on pasture.
Should add, it would depend on your pasture/browse. ANd the way you are feeding your hay may make a difference, Don't put out so much, just put out one or two pounds of hay per goat, or you may need a better hay feeder.