Persnickety Goat, or something to be concerned about?


Ridin' The Range
Dec 5, 2010
Reaction score
Central Alaska
How do you tell the difference between a goat that doesn't want to leave the house because it's cold out (and she's persnickety) or if when she has ketosis/toxemia? One of my girls that is due in Feb about a week ago started not coming out very much to eat (it was quite cold -20 and colder) she had an appetite as I would throw food into the house for her and she would eat it, and she would even grab hay out of the mouth of any goat that happened to grab a mouthful and then go back into the house. Well after a day or two she wan't trying to eat as much. Still not going out for food, and I didn't even think until that night (evening of the third day of this behaviour) about water. I was doing some random reading online and came across a forum where them mentioned toxemia/ketosis (I'm not sure if I'm even saying the right problems. :p) and I thought "That's it!" so at mindight I gave her some warm molasses water and barley. (having read that too much or too little grain can be the culprit, I hadn't been giving them any) She drank the water and greedily ate the barley. The next morning she was fine, came out for some exercise and to eat, again greedily ate up the barley and drank some more molasses water, but that day was also warmer. By afternoon it was 10 above. Now a couple days later and she is again showing that behaviour (I've been giving grain and molasses every day) but it's also cold again. So I don't know if she's just being persnickety about the cold (when she comes out she doesn't shiver, this morning she came out for the grain ate hers, sniffed the hay and went back in the house) which I know she is anyways (she's a few fries short of a happy meal if YKWIM ;) ) So... ideas? :) Oh and I have been checking to see if she looks like shes getting ready to give birth and I'm not seeing them.

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
New Hampshire
:frow Welcome!! And -10 Burrr...thats cold!!!

Its not worth speculating on this. Ketosis could be fatal. But can be treated successfully if detected early. Urine tests, such as Keto-check, are generally accurate. However, it is best to suspect ketosis anytime a pregnant doe behaves oddly, or is sitting down more than usual.

Treatment usually consists of giving the doe propylene glycol, which is non-toxic. It is okay to give the doe propylene glycol if symptoms indicate the condition, if you cant test her.

Prevention is the best way to avoid it. Top dressing the feed of does in late pregnancy with sugar or molasses. I add molasses to her water. Its easiest and they all love it!! :)

Good luck...I thought my part of the world was cold!! You make me feel blessed!! :) Stay warm!!!


Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
Does she have food and water in the barn so she can stay in the barn? There certainly is the possibility that she is just plain cold and doesn't want to go out. There are so many possibilities that I would do simple things like give her her food and water in a warm place in the barn. If she needs the molasses in the water, do that too.


Ridin' The Range
Dec 5, 2010
Reaction score
Central Alaska
Our "barn" is a 3'5' insulated hut with a small opening for a door. That's all we have at the moment that is insulated. I'll just keep giving her the molasses, I'm thinking maybe more in the water, she seems to like it better that way. I've heard that should stimulate her appetite too.

I wish I could see from my window the feed bucket to see if she goes and eats after I go inside. :p

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
New Hampshire
She could just be cold for certain! I think it would be a good idea to hang out with her for a bit or somehow get some water and food in their hut.

They make small hanging feeders that are like 4 inches by 32 inches long and they take no room at all. I would get one for sure!! And a bucket of water dos'nt take much room at all.

Another idea is just to take some wood and make a small trough..a couple of nails and some wood could make a world of differance!!

Since she is pregant and all. Its is really worth it. You wanna make sure she is getting enough. Just keeping warm is alot of work let alone being pregnant.

Is their hay in with them????

Good luck with her..I hope you can fiqure a way to get food and water in their.


Overrun with beasties
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
I have no experience with ketois, but I know when my girls were preggers, at that stage their appetites certainly increased, mine are fed horse feed, so there is already molasses in it.

I am sure the cold will also increase the appetite, that's what keep us all warm and why we eat more stodgy stuff when it's cold.

If she is only eating inside you need to make sure the water is in there as well. If she is cold she won't come out for the water. Maybe warm the water a little for her, and maybe a coat for her, an old sweat shirt cut to fit, anything is worth a try.

Keep us all posted, but do keep a check on her. :thumbsup