PG or what?


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Bought two goats 11 days ago from a woman I THOUGHT was a good breeder. She told me that Java got into the bucks pen and she didn't notice for a few days, BUT she can't remember when that was and said that she is PG. Can't even give me an estimated time of kidding. I know absolutely nothing about goats since these are my very first. Can anyone tell if she might be PG or just overly fat? SeeDes that a breeder should have some sort of an idea or could pin point it to late April, early May or sometime between. Don't mean to cut down breeders but since I have never owned goats before I thought I would at least get more information that what I did get. Thanks to anyone who can help decide. Appreciate your time and expertise. Deb




Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Thank you both SO much. I was thinking IF she was she couldn't be to far along but it WOULD have been nice to have been told about when she might be having her kid(s). Like I mentioned I have never had goats and don't know anything about them but what I have read and it seems to me that someone who raises goats should at least have been able to let me know about when she thought she might kid. So I will relax and not worry and keep an eye on her till late April. I really appreciate getting advice from someone who knows WAY more than I do. THANK YOU ever so much. Deb


Ridin' The Range
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
All my goat run around together so I just wait and hope they get pregnant. It has worked out well for me, my two does delivered triplets at the beginning of this month.

I feel it works out better because they like to be with the crowd.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
If I had it to do all over again knowing what I know now I can't say I would have driving up to KC and bought the two goats from this woman. I was emailing her for weeks and she answered whatever question I had but since I didn't know what to ask, guess I didn't ask the right one. I did tell her that I wanted the goats for milk since I can't handle cows milk. One of the does I bought from her had just weaned that day, her second kid which I wasn't told till 4 days later. I could have been milking this doe but didn't know. So she has since dried up and I missed out on her milk. That ticked me off right there. I was a little upset when I emailed her again and asked if she had ANY idea when the doe would kid and she said she didn't have a clue. There is NO way in where ever that I would recommend this woman to anyone else looking for goats. Knowing that I was ignorant and clueless, you would think she would tell me things I should know or that she thought I should know. Sorry if I am ranting but the more I think about this the more upset with this woman I get. It is like she sold me a rejects that she can't register the kids so just wanted to get rid of. Java is such a sweet little girl that isn't even a year old (June) that is dealing with a new environment as well as sharing a stall with another goat. Nutmeg is more skid-dish and wont take to many people. I still after 11 days can't go up to her and pet her. She wants to smell me and then IF she is in the mood will let me pet her neck or head but then most of the time will take off. The other goats were in pens where the woman had them in a large metal building and here they have a barn to sleep in and about an acre to run around on with chickens and ducks. They seem happy here and I hope I get more experienced with the goat raising because I would like to get more but right now I am scared to trust anyone else.
Thank you all for your input on Java. I know she appreciates it as well as me :) Deb

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
You will get to know more and more about your goats and if you are really patient, they will get more trusting with you. I have two does, one that I raised from a baby and one that was bottle raised. They are very trusting. I have another doe that is a rescue, Jelly Bean. She is just starting to trust me after 5 months. BUT it is so gratifying that she is trusting me now. I have 3 bucks. Two were bottle raised and one is like Jelly Bean, a rescue.

It is extremely rewarding to have them start to trust you. And they are such fun. Goats are funny, silly, sweet, nutty and naughty. They are also aggravating sometimes. OR as RedtailGal says, SNOTS! But they really grow on you. The babies are endlessly entertaining. Just take a look at the kidding thread.

I hope you will find on this website that there are LOTS of people who will help and guide you. We all have GAS here. Goat Addiction Syndrome. You will catch it too.

Good luck with your new girls and forget about that breeder. She was probably just overwhelmed or didn't know how to explain her goats. Or she was a jerk. Who knows. But you will find other people who are better from now on.

Oh and :welcome


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Thanks Queen Mum. I am trying to be VERY patient with Nutmeg since she is more skiddish than Java Chip. She will take more time to get to trust me and that is fine, I have nothing but time. I had really wanted to get babies so that I could learn as they grew and they might be more willing to accept me right now BUT I have these two girls and will have to just be patient and we will learn together. Their butting each other was a concern at first. I tried to discourage it but I am not in the area with them all day and they do that while I am doing other things. I was afraid that Nutmeg would hurt Java Chip and with her being preggers I thought it might hurt the babies but my hubby said they do that kind of thing. I might be a tad over protective? I love to sit out there and watch them play and run around. I have a roller for the yard and a body crate from the funeral home on top of the roller so that they can walk up the crate and play king on the mountain. They slide down the crate since it is angled and then will try and butt the other off the ramp. I was shocked the first time I saw them stand on their hind legs and they lunge at the other and butt heads. They drew blood since their horns weren't taken off all the way and one has a nub. I have been reading the threads on kidding and most of the others from today back wards and enjoy hearing others tell of their babies and other things, am learning fast what to do and what to look for. I am really enjoying this sight. THANKS to everyone on here.
Your post came through with GAS on one line and I thought, how do you know I do have gas at times, LOL I am starting to get GAS since I would really like a lot more. I am cleaning out the barn every day getting rid of the years of junk my dad saved to make room for more. Hubby wants to get Boer goats next time.
I don't know what the breeders problem was or wasn't but I have learned to check out people that I don't know better. I haven't spoken to the woman in a week and probably won't ever talk to her again. Lesson learned. I think I would trust someone on here before I would someone else selling on Craigs list.
I didn't think it would be wise to get a male because of the breeding all the time. I want babies born in nice weather so wouldn't I have to keep the buck separated from the does so that he didn't breed when ever the mood struck?
THANK you all again for your time and patience with me. Deb

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
OH NO! you DO have G.A.S. Goat Addiction Syndrome. Goat-o-vision is better than TV isn't it? It took over really fast. There is no getting around it now.

And you should look here for some great information on goats and raising little ones and milkers and for some great FREE milkstand plans and such.

Then there is this website where you can spend tons of money on t-shirts and other goat stuff.

And don't forget about RTG's GAS gear. LOL!