This is only the my third year with pigs so still new at it
So want do you like or dislike about my pigs there for showing so be as honest as you csn be and use a lot of detail
Their show pigs so there already over priced but they cost $250 each
Pigs were hard to find these year
And feed is $18.75 a bag
How much are feeders and feed going for were your at
I don't raise pigs, but where I buy my goat feed they sell pig feed for $10.
I don't really know anything about what a show pig would cost, and I'm not 100% sure what feeders to just buy and finish out are going for considering the issue with that virus killing entire generations of piglets on some of the farms ( I think it's called PED off the top of my head). The last time we went in with my father in law to buy some feeders they were from $35 to $50. I'm sure they are higher now.
Wow $10 a Bag even when feed was cheap it was $15 here were I live
And you are correct it's is PED
And has every one is afraid of it
Even myself who only raises a few feeders have been more strict about my bio-security measurese
I hear the gov. Gave a bunch of money to research a cure I hope it doesn't reach CA
I pay $9 for my goat feed
The pig feed is a little higher, and it may be $10.50 I think I was wrong. I guess it has more corn?
We know a vet who is a member of our goat breeders club and he does contract work with some of the commercial farms and he was telling us a lot of stuff at one of our meetings about some of the things they were doing. It's killed a lot of pigs here. That's why I'm sure just normal feeders are higher than $50 here now. You've got my curiosity up now, I may try to find out. My wife used to work at the swine unit at NC state and still knows some people there. I'll get her to ask around. We were telling her dad he needed to get some because pork is going to be high.