I got a Pygmy Nannie about a year ago. She was so scared of humans she wouldn't let us get close to her. I walked around the yard in the same manner she did (2 steps, freeze, 2 steps,etc.). Eventually she began to let me pet her. I had her three months when she kidded a little doeling. I noticed the mama was a really picky eater. She didn't eat anything aside from her hay. I suspected she may have been pregnant so I bought grain. She didn't like it. I thought it was just her. No, the baby is picky too. Baby s almost a year old now. Mama will eat the grain now. They only like certain weeds, not many. They don't like apples or carrots or anything else. Every once in a while they break into the chicken yard and eat their food but I heard thAt's bad for them. They are healthy and a good weight but I thought goats ate almost anything? Oh and the mama still allows baby to nurse?? Won't let me milk her though.