Loving the herd life
Just planning ahead for my someday farm
Eventually I'd like to get a breeding pair of American Guinea Hogs. Breeding issues aside - can they be let out to graze around the field with other animals? I am trying to figure out the layout of my future barn/stalls/pens and grazing areas. They'd be sharing the same grazing area as the goats (2 Nigerian Dwarf does plus any future kids). I have 5+ acres of property but the fenced grazing area is just over 1/2 acre. I can cross fence it if need be, but if they're cool with other animals then I'd like to let them mingle. I've heard of the bigger pigs being a threat to other animals - if the mood strikes them and they want meat then they'll take out a critter if they catch it - but I thought that maybe since the AGHs were smaller and allegedly more docile then it could be possible.