Loving the herd life
I just thought I would share my super easy pink eye remedy....unpasturized honey dissolved in sterilized water. Make sure you use a good quality UNpasterized honey. I boil the water to sterilize it let it cool to room temp then mix 1 part water to 1 part honey. Then just spoon or drop into the eye.
My dog came back from the kennel with pink eye. I noticed it looked a little red and then over the next couple days got all goopy. My sister-in-law told me about this natural remedy for pink eye that worked for her son so I gave it a try. Within 12 hours her eye looked totally normal and she didn't even fuss about having it dropped into her eye...I just tipped her head up, spooned some into the corner of her eye and then opened her eyelid. A couple days later we noticed our other dog rubbing his eye so I gave them both another dose in their eyes. Totally cured, and haven't had any of the kids or other animals have any signs.
The same sister-in-law now rents her house that is on a dairy farm and the cows that are resistant to the "purple spray" for pink eye always clears up with the honey and water solution.
My dog came back from the kennel with pink eye. I noticed it looked a little red and then over the next couple days got all goopy. My sister-in-law told me about this natural remedy for pink eye that worked for her son so I gave it a try. Within 12 hours her eye looked totally normal and she didn't even fuss about having it dropped into her eye...I just tipped her head up, spooned some into the corner of her eye and then opened her eyelid. A couple days later we noticed our other dog rubbing his eye so I gave them both another dose in their eyes. Totally cured, and haven't had any of the kids or other animals have any signs.
The same sister-in-law now rents her house that is on a dairy farm and the cows that are resistant to the "purple spray" for pink eye always clears up with the honey and water solution.