So, had the vet out yesterday, all the goats got vaccinated and she tried to ultrasound my three younger girls (all ff) to see if they are in fact pregnant. Two probables and one really can't tell. I didn't know this, but the ideal window is between 60 and 100 days pregnant, that is when they can see the whole fetus. Later than that, which mine would be, the fetus is too big and they can't get a view of it all, only parts. Anyway, I'm really no more knowledgeable than I was before. Only one I'm sure of is my Pygora who is as big as the proverbial house, and due in two weeks or less. Will just have to keep an eye on the others She also said that blood test, which they have to send to the Vet School in PEI for testing also has a "window". I read that you all send yours to BioTracking, but haven't determined if that is available to Canadians. They all run with the buck, a handsome ND who seems to know what he is doing, and is proven so I'm betting on babies sooner rather than later. I really want some goat milk, two years and am up to seven goats now, and still no milk. Soon I hope!!