Anyone having trouble posting pics? I posted 1 yesterday but can't get the other one on. It keeps saying wrong file type. But they both jpeg and on the same file.
Right click on the pic and check the properties to make sure that it is a JPEG.
Also try renameing the file to some name that you would not have ever had on your computer.........something really weird like "zoomonkey", just make sure its something you never would have used before.
If you can open the fiile in an editor (even paint would work) click "save as" and assign the new name to it there. THis will give you a second file with the new name without touching the original file.
We've seen problems with some images taken from cell phones or when the image is too big, or the image name is weird characters. We're working on upgrades to our system to be able to handle more of these situations, but in the interim, try resizing the image on your computer and saving it with a simple name like "myhorse.jpg" and then try uploading it again.