Overrun with beasties
I have a pregnant Lamancha doe, due the end of March....About a month ago, she tore her leg open - ligaments, artery, ect. It was a big mess. She went her 2 weeks, healed, and the vet took the stitches out. They told me I only needed to wrap it if it were swolen.
And of course, since she is a goat, as soon as she got home, she RE OPENED her cut!! I have no idea how though I am assuming she was itching like crazy (the wound wasnt a clean cut). She was in a horse stall, with only a plastic water/feed bucket! Now seeing how much the vet bill was the first time, I really dont want to bring her in a second time for the same thing.
What I have been doing: I cleaned it out pretty well with soap/water, then squirted betadine in there. I have been keeping it clean and as dry as it can be. Wrapping every other day, ect. 3 days ago, I started her on Pen. like the vet had us doing - every other day for 4 doses at a time.
It isnt stinky or looking infected (though it doesnt look great). Is there anything else I can do to get the swelling down, or possibly put on it to help it heal faster?
This is the first goat injury I have had, and I have no clue!
Can goats get Bute like the horses?
Anyway, any advice would be great! Thanks!!
And of course, since she is a goat, as soon as she got home, she RE OPENED her cut!! I have no idea how though I am assuming she was itching like crazy (the wound wasnt a clean cut). She was in a horse stall, with only a plastic water/feed bucket! Now seeing how much the vet bill was the first time, I really dont want to bring her in a second time for the same thing.
What I have been doing: I cleaned it out pretty well with soap/water, then squirted betadine in there. I have been keeping it clean and as dry as it can be. Wrapping every other day, ect. 3 days ago, I started her on Pen. like the vet had us doing - every other day for 4 doses at a time.
It isnt stinky or looking infected (though it doesnt look great). Is there anything else I can do to get the swelling down, or possibly put on it to help it heal faster?
This is the first goat injury I have had, and I have no clue!
Can goats get Bute like the horses?
Anyway, any advice would be great! Thanks!!