We have never had donkeys before but happened across them while at the Beebe Flea Market (picture a flea market surrounding a livestock barn). My husband fell in love with one of them but not wanting to separate them, we bought them both. After the money had changed hands, the seller casually mentioned that they had been pastured with horses and "exposed" to a stallion so to watch for possible new additions in a bout 12 months. being a "donkey novice" a assumed that cross would result in a mule. However, I was later corrected by a friend that I would have a hinny. After much research, I have discovered that hinnies are very rare because the conception rate is low. However, three months later one of the girls is looking a little wider through the middle than the other. The problem is I don't know how long she was pastured and thereby exposed! Could a vet tell by examination, if she is expecting and how far along she might be? I was also wondering if there might be any issues with labor/delivery due to size of the hinny. They are very large donkeys. I believe they are what you call Mammoth? I'd appreciate any input.