Question about pasture for horse/pony and goats


Exploring the pasture
Aug 24, 2009
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We have 3 acres that we have 3 Dairy goats on right now. It was pretty well wooded at first but thanks to the goats and my husband coming along behind them to remove the stumps is starting to look pretty good. It has a slope to it that isn't too bad thought it might be good excersize for a horse. What I'm worried about is the rocks. We have aready picked up hundreds of rocks but we keep finding more. Will it be bad to put a horse out on land like that? We have a small barn for the goats and a few chickens we will still need to put up a run in for the horse if we decide to do this. Alabama weather pretty mild winters. The grain I feed the goats says keep away from horses, but I don't leave it out for the goats they only get it when I milk them and I keep it in the house so the goats can't get into it. I've seen horses and goats together so I thought it would be OK, I quess what I'm really worried about is the land?? Unless there is anything else you can think of? Granddaughter has been bugging us for a pony, I've heard they can get mean so I figured a small horse wood be better. Sorry so long. What do you all think?


Loving the herd life
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
If you could post a picture of the land that would help. It doesn't sound like there should be any problem with the rocks and a horse on them... but without actually seeing it ????? I have rocks (little and huge) all over our pasture and my horses have never had any problems.

The bigger issue in my mind is putting a horse with the goats. Since they all have their own personalities you never know if there will be problems when they are together. Some horses and goats are great together and some horses have killed the goats they were with.

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