Questions about a possibly pregnant ewe


Ridin' The Range
Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Hi all!

We recently adopted 3 sheep whose owner passed away (2 Katahdin-looking and one Blackbelly). According to the daughter-in-law, the 2 Katahdin “may be pregnant” as they had some difficulty keeping them separate from a ram on the property. If they are pregnant, she estimated they’d be due around mid-March. I’ve been checking their bags daily, and they don’t seem to be producing milk yet, but I don't have a trained eye. It’s also hard to tell because they’re both extremely overweight, though one does appear more “egg-shaped” which I suppose could be evidence of pregnancy. I guess we’ll find out in a month or so...

My main questions are these:
  1. One of them has quite a lot of retained/matted wool that hasn’t shed cleanly. I’d like to catch her and try trimming some of it off, but would this be dangerous to do if she’s +/-4 months pregnant? Should I wait until mid/late March? Is it okay for her to walk around with a couple mats hanging off until then? I don’t want to stress her unnecessarily if it could cause problems with the pregnancy. She seems pretty calm, but I doubt she’ll love the process. I also don’t know if the matted wool could cause issues with lambing/nursing.
  2. As far as we know, they are unvaccinated. I was thinking of giving them a CD&T vaccine now, since we’re approximately 1 month out from their mid-March(ish) due dates. Or would it be best to vaccinate the lambs after birth? Is there any added risk because we’re so unsure of their due dates? I read that the vaccines shouldn’t be given during the final 2 weeks of gestation.
Thanks in advance!
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Is it okay for her to walk around with a couple mats hanging off until then? I don’t want to stress her unnecessarily if it could cause problems with the pregnancy. She seems pretty calm, but I doubt she’ll love the process. I also don’t know if the matted wool could cause issues with lambing/nursing.
The dangling wool is not a prblem. If she will stand still for you when tied and you want to try cutting off the mats, go for it. If you are talking a comlete shearing job, then wait since flipping the doe over too colse to lambing may result in a lamb turned in the wrong position.

I used to crotch and shear my wool ewes before lambing to get the (dirty) wool away from the lambs while they nursed and prevent blood and debris remaining in the wool after lambing. On hair type sheep it is not a problem since their underbellies are usually clean of wool.
I was thinking of giving them a CD&T vaccine now, since we’re approximately 1 month out from their mid-March(ish) due dates. Or would it be best to vaccinate the lambs after birth?
If they have a month to go you can vaccinate. If not, vaccinate the ewe and newborns asap after birth. Also worm the ewe because the hormones released during lambing cause any parasite problems to flare up big time.


Ridin' The Range
Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
The dangling wool is not a prblem. If she will stand still for you when tied and you want to try cutting off the mats, go for it. If you are talking a comlete shearing job, then wait since flipping the doe over too colse to lambing may result in a lamb turned in the wrong position.

I used to crotch and shear my wool ewes before lambing to get the (dirty) wool away from the lambs while they nursed and prevent blood and debris remaining in the wool after lambing. On hair type sheep it is not a problem since their underbellies are usually clean of wool.

If they have a month to go you can vaccinate. If not, vaccinate the ewe and newborns asap after birth. Also worm the ewe because the hormones released during lambing cause any parasite problems to flare up big time.
This is perfect, thank you so much! There are a few mats hanging on the backs of her legs, but her udder is clear, so I’ll likely leave her be until after she lambs. And I think since we still have at least 2 weeks, probably a month, to go I will go ahead with the vaccine now. And thank you for the tip about worming, that’s very helpful!