questions about hay and feeding


Ridin' The Range
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
campbellsville KY

Ok couple questions about hay and feeding. my husband and I have been arguing about me buying grass hay when there is plenty in the field. I will have the electric fence up hopefully this weekend and then my goats will have a large field for browsing. I know some of you offer hay all day. What is the difference of me cutting the grass/hay and putting it in the feeder or just letting the goats cut it them selves. If I do cut my own hay do I need to dry it out?

Next question I have 2 Nubian kids that are around 12 weeks old. I have been feeding my goats 1 and cups of noble goat and a cup of alfalfa pellets 2X a day. They dont really eat the alfalfa pellets. The breeder told me to offer the noble goat free choice . But I am a little scared of bloat since I lost me dog to bloat a couple months ago to it. so I have been feeding them smaller portions. My question is should I feed the free choice and is 3 cups to little or to much?



Overrun with beasties
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Coal Creek Canyon, CO
Let me first by saying your goats look great and I would just keep doing what your are doing now.
I am also new to goats and my wethers are almost 4 month old. I feed them noble goat pellets, sunflower seeds and alfalfa pellets. I also keep hay out and they get to browse on the property. They love the noble goats and would probably just eat that if I let them. Alfalfa Pellets and Hay are free choice but the noble goat/sunflower seeds are about 3 cup total a day. I will eventually stop the noble goat pellets when they are a bit older (haven't decide when) or feed them as a treat/supplement. I understand the basic need for goats are greens, water and minerals. Some people may not have pastures for their goats so their options are hay or alfalfa pellets. Some goats need extra...growing kids, pregnant, milking or nursing does so you can give supplement like goat grains/pellets. In winter time when there is not much to browse, many of us would feed hay/pellets and grains.
I used to fill up their alfalfa pellet bowl but today I am going to leave it low or empty. They love the alfalfa pellets but I want them to browse more or even eat the hay in the feeder. I will fill up the bowl only night time. They'll still get the noble goat/sunflower twice a day. We'll see how it works out. :)