Singing Shepherd
Ridin' The Range
Just a few (probably silly) queries I have always wondered abou....For those of you who run hundreds of sheep: when your sheep graze in large wild pastures and thickets, and pick up sticker plants, berries, seeds, leaves, pollen and all sorts of detritus in their wool, how do you efficiently remove that detritus from the wool after shearing? When one of your adult sheep suffers from a lenghty bout of diarrhea, is it your habit to immediately wash the whole sheep, of just his rear, or to just ignore it til shearing day? Do you try to observe your sheep at least once each day urinate and deficate so you can stay on top of illnesses before they get worse? What is one thing you watch for that, once you observe this symptom, you know something is wrong and you know to call a vet?