Apr 19, 2010 #1 M Mtcookie Exploring the pasture Joined Sep 9, 2009 Messages 19 Reaction score 0 Points 22 So my blue mini lop had a litter with one black fur kit. She is now 7 weeks old and her back end it turning blue. If you blow on her fur the under is blue. Will entire body color change to blue as well?
So my blue mini lop had a litter with one black fur kit. She is now 7 weeks old and her back end it turning blue. If you blow on her fur the under is blue. Will entire body color change to blue as well?
Apr 19, 2010 #2 Bunnylady Herd Master Joined Nov 27, 2009 Messages 2,431 Reaction score 3,061 Points 353 Location Wilmington, NC Pics?