Rabbit shows?


Chillin' with the herd
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Hi a wile back someone mention a rabbit show in Taunton Massachusetts March 7th . I plan on going but have never been to a show before. I was hoping to meet people that could answer a lot of my questions. Just not sure how hectic a show can be? Considering that I'm a stranger will they even give me the time of day LOL. I'm interested in the American Chinchilla rabbits. Are any of you going to this show? Thanks Scotty


Herd Master
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
sc00ter4900 said:
Just not sure how hectic a show can be? Considering that I'm a stranger will they even give me the time of day LOL.
I can't say what things are like where you are, but I can tell you about the shows that I've been to around here. One seldom sees single shows these days, most are double or even triple shows. At a double show, the club gets several judges to come, all the rabbits are judged in the classes they were entered in, the Best of Breed animals are all put on one table and one judge picks a Best in Show. Then, they do the whole thing all over again, with each breed being assigned to a different judge than the one that saw them in the first show. Each judge will have a separate table, there are usually poster-board signs indicating which breeds are going to be judged at each table, and in what order. In addition, there is usually someone from the sponsoring club whose job it is to make announcements (like, "Polish to table 3!") to keep things moving along.

How crazy this all gets seems to depend on who is running the show. There is a very experienced group here in NC that runs a pretty tight ship. They can put on a triple show, and have the whole thing done by 3 pm! I've been to other shows that weren't quite that well organised, including one where my last class got pulled because the other people that had entries in it had gotten tired and gone home, and no one noticed that there were still rabbits of that breed in the showroom.:(

IME, rabbit people are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. Of course, there will be some who are all business, but most of the folks you will see at a show will be delighted to meet a fellow rabbit addict. In between classes, they will be quite happy to talk. Most of us go home slightly hoarse from "talking rabbit" all day. The most frazzled people at the show will be the ones like me, those who enter rabbits of more than one breed, and wind up with rabbits going onto more than one table at the same time! I have drafted others (and been drafted by others) to help get all the rabbits into thier respective classes on time. It's all fun, if I manage to get a couple of "legs" on a couple of rabbits, I feel I've had a good day!