B&B Happy goats
Herd Master
Anyone have any good articles/know anything about putting up electric fence? I'm looking into electrifying the back part of our lot away from the yard after putting in the yard fence, a 96' ish square cattle panel buck pen in the back yard behind the chicken coop and making the front/side yard doe pen bigger next year (all this should keep the kids away from it, right?). You know, like permanent electric fence 101 with the context that it will be for goats and not horses or cows. It would be very interesting if I can do it myself without not having to drag cattle panels or heavy rolls of fencing through barberry patches and bittersweet curtains.
We got a solar 10 mile charger from TS, pretty simple to put up..just get your grounding rods in the ground correctly and before the ground freezes up there. You can do this job Rachel !