I have an acre of land and currently have about 20 chickens, 3 pea-fowl, and of course a little dog who thinks hes a roo. I am currently thinking I would like a dairy animal. Was thinking of a couple of dwarf goats but think I would prefer a small cow. Do they have to be kept in pairs. Any animal we have end up as pets. Would a half acre support a dexter or should I try to get a miniature breed? Can they be kept around chickens? Is there a commercial feed that works for them in winter? How much hay do they go thru? I am thinking of one female and to do the AI thing to breed her...and sell any calves. I couldn't butcher my own I am too wimpy. However I would have no problem sending one to be butchered . So what breed would be good as a docile pet and moderate milk. I know byc has been a great resource over the last few years so I knnow this site is gonna be great. Also only the back 1/2 acre is fenced right now. Do cattle take well to being tethered in different spots of the yard.