Loving the herd life
First class:
Aged Geldings 4 years plus:
2nd place out of 8.
He was dancing all over the place here...but out of 8 entrants...not bad to get a second place! Especially when one of the competitors was an AQHA world qualifier!!!!!
Second class:
Multi-color Halter
2nd Place out of 2. The judge was a breeder of! Afterwards she told me Max was an amazing animal and that all he needed was to be kept indoors during the day.
Third class:
Solid-color Halter
No placing because I had already placed in multi-color.
Fourth class:
Senior Showmanship:
6th place out of 8
Fifth class:
Greener than Grass Showmanship:
2nd place out of 7
Sixth class:
Greener than Grass Western Pleasure (W/T):
2nd place I was CRYING when it was announced. Out of 10
Seventh class:
Novice Western Pleasure (W/T):
4th place out of 7
Eighth Class:
Senior Western Pleasure (W/T):
2nd place out of 5
Ninth Class:
Open Western Pleasure (W/T):
2nd place out of 7
Tenth Class:
Western Pleasure Equitation (W/T):
3rd Place out of 10
I didn't think these were bad scores for a girl who hadn't done a horse show in at least 10 years and a horse that had never stepped hoof into an arena!
Aged Geldings 4 years plus:
2nd place out of 8.
He was dancing all over the place here...but out of 8 entrants...not bad to get a second place! Especially when one of the competitors was an AQHA world qualifier!!!!!
Second class:
Multi-color Halter
2nd Place out of 2. The judge was a breeder of! Afterwards she told me Max was an amazing animal and that all he needed was to be kept indoors during the day.
Third class:
Solid-color Halter
No placing because I had already placed in multi-color.
Fourth class:
Senior Showmanship:
6th place out of 8
Fifth class:
Greener than Grass Showmanship:
2nd place out of 7
Sixth class:
Greener than Grass Western Pleasure (W/T):
2nd place I was CRYING when it was announced. Out of 10
Seventh class:
Novice Western Pleasure (W/T):
4th place out of 7
Eighth Class:
Senior Western Pleasure (W/T):
2nd place out of 5
Ninth Class:
Open Western Pleasure (W/T):
2nd place out of 7
Tenth Class:
Western Pleasure Equitation (W/T):
3rd Place out of 10
I didn't think these were bad scores for a girl who hadn't done a horse show in at least 10 years and a horse that had never stepped hoof into an arena!